Argax Project

Node Status: COMPLETE

User Experience

The purpose of an interactive drama is to provide a novel and meaningful experience to the user. Indeed, research has shown that interacting participants in a live-action interactive drama reported the plot to be an intense and significant experience, even when a passive audience found the same drama slow and poorly-formed (Kelso, Weyhrauch, & Bates 1992). Another significant aspect of an interactive drama is its replay value--that the player can experience the same story-world again but experience different narrative consequences by making different choices.

While it is hoped that Marlinspike will provide a satisfying overall experience, there are a great many factors involved, such as the story's subject matter, the characters, the story's genre, the dialog, the presentation style, the text-based medium, the interface mechanisms, the player's mood and surroundings, etc. Yet, with regard to reincorporation effects, it is possible to simply ask whether the user feels that the story is better-formed and that they experience greater story-level agency when reincorporation is used.

The measures for the player's experience of story structure and story-level agency will be the player's responses to a questionnaire administered after playing a session of the Demeter game.

Works Cited