Implement the logic for a virtual Roomba (named a Vroomba).
Concepts: multi-dimensional arrays; enums; inheritance, method-overriding, polymorphism
Textbook: 7.8 (Special Topic 7.3); (Special Topic 5.3); 9.3.
Most of the classes you will use for this assignment have already been written. You will be primarily focused on writing the logic of a small vacuuming robot that is attempting to remove all the dirt from its surrounding room. The classes you will use are:
of the possible directions a Vroomba can move.
and overriding its methods. (VroombaRunner
is currently set to use an instance of this Vroomba.)
Besides looking through the code, you may also find it helpful to read the extracted Javadoc documentation.
You will also need these four room files.
First, look through the code to get a rough idea of how the classes are related. You can skip all the GUI stuff below the main method in VroombaRunner, as well as the Room.GUI inner class.
To make sure you understand how a Room is modeled, I left two methods for you to finish in the Room(String, Vroomba)
constructor and the isClean()
method. The code above will currently compile, but it will throw UnsupportedOperationException
s until you implement these two methods. (Of course, you may then run into other problems if you do not implement them correctly.) Further instructions are in the code in the bodies of these two methods.
Once you're done, you should be able to load the 4 rooms and watch the RandomVroomba at work. (Note how the RandomVroomba sucks. Surely you can do better!)
However, before you write a line of code, get out a few sheets of paper and plan it out. Outline your algorithm, and then try manually tracing your Vroomba's potential behavior on paper. Detecting flaws in your algorithm here will save you hours of coding. Also, sometimes you get so focused on the smaller details of coding that it's easy to lose track of the big picture; having a design document handy lets you refocus on what you're trying to do.
Once you have your outline/sketch ready, describe your algorithm in detail in plain English. (Remember that if you can't even describe it in your natural language, you have no hope of coding it.) This can be difficult to do clearly, so you should probably include examples or rephrasing, as necessary.
The English description of your algorithm should serve as the Javadoc description for your Vroomba class. For example, note the description taken from RandomVroomba
This Vroomba doesn't even look at its surroundings; it just moves in a random direction each turn, even if this will result in a collision or drop. However, it never chooses Direction.HERE, and so it will never stop of its own accord.
This is the description from a CarriageReturnVroomba
This Vroomba continues to move in the same vertical (N or S) direction until it encounters an obstruction. It then moves horizontally E one square, and heads back in the vertical direction opposite to the one it was traveling in when it encountered the obstruction. Thus, in a open room, this Vroomba will bounce between the N and S walls, gradually moving E one square for each "bounce".
If, after encountering an obstruction, this Vroomba cannot move E, it will instead move W for as long as it can, and then resume its normal vertical sweeping behavior (starting by moving N). (It is this sudden, long motion W that inspired this Vroomba's name.)
Current Issues: This Vroomba works great in open, rectangular rooms. However, it currently does not prevent collisions when initially starting on its Western motion or upon resuming its vertical motion. It can also miss regions of floor if the walls have recesses or if the room contains any central obstructions.
And this is a description of an earlier version of my Vroomba's algorithm:
This Vroomba maps the room as it cleans, and aims to traverse all floor space, regardless of whether it contains DIRT or not.
Each turn, this Vroomba eliminates any moves that would result in a collision with an obstruction. From the remaining possible moves, it chooses one in the following order of preference:
1) Moving to a neighboring square it has not yet traversed (chosen in clockwise order starting at N)
2) If there are no untraveled neighboring squares, it will seek the nearest untraveled square it knows about to which it has a straight, unobstructed path.
3) If it cannot find a clear path to a recorded untraveled square, then a) if there are only two move options, then it moves not in the direction it came from last turn (allowing it to escape from tunnels);
b) otherwise, if there is more than one traveled option, it moves towards the neighboring square it has visited the farthest back in the past.
This behavior leads the Vroomba to seek out close new squares first. Once it has exhausted local possibilities, it will cast a wider net for far-distant novelties it has a clear path too. But, if it finds itself in a well-traveled labyrinth, it will retrace its oldest steps first in the hopes they take it back to whence it came and thus to novelties previously passed over.
Because it maps the room, this Vroomba will stop when it has traversed all the floors in the room. It does this by determining whether it has visited every square it has seen so far. (Because it always records the surroundings of each square it visits, if there are no unvisited squares left in its map it means that there are no untraveled paths away from any visited square-- that is, it has mapped and visited the entire room.)
As you can see, the longer or more complex your algorithm, the more text it takes to adequately describe it. As mentioned, this text should form the javadoc description of your UsernameA18
Now write
. This class should extend the Vroomba class, and override its two public methods: move
and reset
To test it, change the word RandomVroomba
to UsernameA18
at the one place it appears at the beginning of VroombaRunner.
When your Vroomba doesn't perform as wonderfully as you'd envisioned, you'll need to determine whether it's a problem with your algorithm or with your code. If the former, step away from the computer and work on your algorithm for a while; don't just flail around at your code.
Submit only your
to Tamarin. (If you wrote any extra classes that your Vroomba uses, such as for mapping purposes, remember to include those too.)
, Bathtub.txt
, PoolDeck.txt
, and Ballroom.txt
Note: You must submit your Vroomba on time to be entered into the Challenge.
All on-time
submissions will automatically be run in the Challenge. The Challenge has two parts: the four standard rooms, followed by a number (probably 8 to 12) of additional room files. These later rooms will be more complicated than the four given above, and will include multiple obstructions in a room, wall recesses, tunnels, require diagonal motion, etc.
Each Vroomba will be scored for each room by the same grading criteria as given above. In the case of a tie score, the Vroomba with the lower average number of moves will win the tie. If this is still a tie, all tying Vroombas will share the same place for that room. A Vroomba must score at least 1.5 points on a room to place.
For each room, the 1st place Vroomba will receive +0.5 points, 2nd place will receive +0.35 points, and 3rd place will receive +0.2 points of extra credit. In addition, there will be a ranking of best Vroomba over all rooms, and these placings will receive double bonus points as for a room.
I will be running my own Vroomba in the Challenge. Although my Vroomba holds no knowledge of the rooms, I do have an unfair advantage in being able to perfect my algorithm on the later rooms to be used in the Challenge. Therefore, I will not be a proper contestant and will not affect the rankings. However, I will provide a target mark: any placement that is also better than my Vroomba will receive double placement points.
"When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master."
-- Darth Vadar, Star Wars IV: A New Hope.
. However, you can't declare the char[][]
until you know the size of the map.
of the list, which is the height (number of rows) of the room.
is your ArrayList of lines read from the file):
char[][] map = new char[lines.size()][]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { map[i] = //get ith line from lines and convert to a char[] }Have a look at the String class in the API for a method that will convert a
to a char[]
for this last part.
method will return the first direction it finds (starting at N and examining its surroundings in a clockwise order) that leads to a neighboring square that isn't a WALL or a DROP. (Remember there are 9 directions: the normal 8 + HERE; but there's only 8 cells in s
public Direction move(char[] s) { Direction[] dirs = Direction.values(); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length - 1; i++) { if (s[dirs[i].ordinal()] != Room.WALL && s[dirs[i].ordinal()] != Room.DROP) { return dirs[i]; } } return Direction.HERE; //surrounded by WALLs, so stop moving }If you're comfortable with the object loop form of
, you could instead to this, which achieves essentially the same thing:
public Direction move(char[] s) { for (Direction dir : Direction.values()) { if (dir != Direction.HERE && s[dir.ordinal()] != Room.WALL && s[dir.ordinal()] != Room.DROP) { return dir; } } return Direction.HERE; }
Or, if you prefer, you could loop through your surroundings rather than through the directions. In this case, you still need an array of Direction
objects to convert the corresponding surroundings index to the equivalent direction:
public Direction move(char[] s) { Direction[] dirs = Direction.values(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i] != Room.WALL && s[i] != Room.DROP) { return dirs[i]; } } return Direction.HERE; //surrounded by WALLs, so stop moving }
/** * This vroomba will sweep vertically (N then S) across an open room * until it hits the E wall; then it powers off. This code assumes * that the room is open (perfectly rectangular with no obstructions * in the center), that there are no DROPs in the room, and that the * Vroomba always starts in the SW corner. (These are not valid * assumptions for the assignment rooms, but this code could be * extended to account for these things.) */ public class SweepingVroomba extends Vroomba { //start by going N private Direction currentDir = Direction.N; public Direction move(char[] s) { //keep going in the current direction if it's clear if (s[currentDir.ordinal()] != Room.WALL) { return currentDir; }else { //otherwise, if E is clear... if (s[Direction.E.ordinal()] != Room.WALL) { //reverse vertical direction and move E one square currentDir = currentDir.reverse(); return Direction.E; }else { //reached the E wall, so power-off return Direction.HERE; } } } public void reset() { currentDir = Direction.N; } }
This Vroomba first moves to the lower left (SW) corner of a room and then starts cleaning. While cleaning, it goes N to the top of the room and then S again on the same column, before moving one step E to start cleaning the next column. Once it gets to the far E side of the room, it stops.More specifically, this Vroomba has two primary modes:
. It begins infindStart
mode. If in this mode, this Vroomba will move W (or NW or SW, if W is blocked). If it cannot move W in any way (due to an obstruction such as a WALL or DROP), it will move directly S. If S too is blocked, it assumes it has found the SW corner of the room, and switches toclean
mode (starting withcleanNorth
) and then moves accordingly.Clean mode actually has two sub modes:
. If this Vroomba is incleanNorth
mode, it moves directly N if there is no obstruction. If the way N is blocked, it will instead switch tocleanSouth
mode and move accordingly.In
mode, the Vroomba moves S, if it can. If the way S is blocked, it will move E (or SE or NE) one square and switch back tocleanNorth
mode. If all the E directions are blocked, the Vroomba assumes it has reached the far east wall and powers off (returns HERE).This Vroomba will successfully clean any open room with smooth walls. It does not handle rooms with recesses in the E or W walls (or recesses deeper than one square on the S wall), nor any obstructions in the center of the room.
If you implement this algorithm as described, you can get 4 points for the Closet, Bathtub, and Ballroom. Though it will shut off early on the PoolDeck (giving you only 1 points for that room), you can still end up with a net of 14 out of 13 points for this assignment. This works well for those not interested in the Challenge part.
With a little customization, you could also get full points for the PoolDeck. One way to do this is to record the number of squares you move between the S and N walls. If any column comes up significantly shorter than the others, you can assume there's an obstruction somewhere. If so, on the last column of the room, start sweeping left to right when you get to the top-right corner of the room. (This will allow you to clean the area N of the pool.)
You may copy the description given above if you decide to implement this algorithm; however, remember to update it if you make any changes!
. Only the move
and reset
methods are called by the simulation, since those are the only two methods every Vroomba
has. So either you have to call that second method yourself, or else you can just do everything in move
To control the state, you will need some instance variables. You could add:
private boolean seekingSW = true;
Then, your move method can be structured as follows:
public Direction move(char[] s) { if (seekingSW) { // Still trying to find the SW corner... // If W is clear, return W. // Otherwise, do the same for NW, SW, and S. // If all 4 of these directions are blocked: seekingSW = false; } if (!seekingSW) { // Now in cleaning mode. // You can use currentDir as the SweepingVroomba does // to determine whether you are currently cleaning to // the N or the S. } }
Note how, once the vroomba finds the SW corner, it changes the value of seekingSW
so that the seeking code never runs in future calls to move
. Instead, it will only run the cleaning block of code. (Therefore, you must remember to set seekingSW
back to true
in your reset
method or else your vroomba will fail all cleaning jobs after the first.)
Note too how I did not use an if/else here. This is so that, when seekingSW
is changed to false
for the first time, execution falls through into cleaning mode.
If there are no unvisited squares around you, it's time to backtrack the way your came to find an unvisited square you passed over earlier: pop/remove the last direction you added to your stack/list and go the reverse of it.
If you get back to the starting square (your stack/list of past moves is empty) and there are no unvisited squares there, you're done. (However, it's more efficient in terms of moves to instead examine your map each turn to see if you're done cleaning. That way, once you visit the last unvisited square in the map, you don't have to backtrack all the way back to the start to power off.)