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Assignment 1

The Assignment


  • You can write more than the two requested Employee constructors if you want. But if you are not given values for hoursWorked or payPerHour, you must supply the proper default value.
  • Section 4 and 6 of Payroll (listing employees who make more or less than a certain amount) refers to their payPerHour, rather than their complete weekly salary. Thus, you shouldn't accept input outside of the pay range of $5.75 to $35.00.
    [If you really want to, you can report weekly salary instead. But if you do, don't implement the constraints as stated (obviously). You should instead implement constraints for pay per week--$0 to $2100 (60*35) makes sense. Also, make sure it is very clear to the users of your program that you are reporting pay per week and not hourly wage.]
  • Employee.setID does not actually need in ensure that the ID is unique. Just set the ID as given to you.


This assignment will be out of 10 points. You will get points for the following:

3 - Your program compiles without error
1.5 - Good documentation
See this note on documenting your code.
0.5 - Follows ICS coding standards
Use descriptive variable names, use internal capitalization for names, consistently indent and space code, etc.
1 - Error handling
Every time you ask for input from a user your program should gracefully handle incorrect input. This means dealing with characters when you asked for numbers, checking that the given input file really exists, etc. Your program should never bomb with a runtime stack dump or exit silently in the middle of the program. You should always tell your user what went wrong (to the best of your knowledge).
1.5 - Employee class
Should contain at least the 2 constructors and 11 methods requested.
2.5 - Payroll class
Should correctly handle the 8 operations described in assignment specs

~ztomasze Index : TA Details: ICS211: Assignment 1
Last Edited: 02 Sept 2003
©2002 by Z. Tomaszewski.