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Mobius strip

Assignment 2

The Assignment


When you submit your assignment, tell me which browser worked for you. By default, I will use appletviewer for Java 1.2.2. (That seemed the most reliable for my Keno applet, and it keeps in the theme of using Java 1.2.2 for this course.) Your browser options (and which Java system they use under the hood) are:

  • appletviewer (Java VM 1.2.2)
  • Internet Explorer 5.0 (Microsoft VM)
  • Netscape 6.0 or 7.1 (JRE 1.3.1)
  • Netscape 4.76 (Java Plugin for Netscape 1.3.1 [NPJava131_01.dll])


This assignment will be out of 10 points. You will get points for the following:

2.0 - Compiles
Your submitted program compiles and runs without error
1.0 - Complete submission
In your email, include a full link (http://...) to a working version of the applet on the web. Attach your source code (.java files) and the webpage to run it from (.html file). (You can zip them if you really want to.)
1.5 - Good documentation
See this note on documenting your code.
0.5 - Follows ICS coding standards
Use descriptive variable names, use internal capitalization for names, consistently indent and space code, etc.
1.5 - Game class
Includes the method generateNumbers(), which generates 15 unique random numbers.
1.5 - A working interface
80 numbered buttons, a play button, a reset button, and some sort of label or text field to report status/results.
0.5 - Button colors
Follows stated button color requirements.
1.5 - Button Selecting and Enabling
Numbered buttons can be selected and deselected. Play button is only enabled when exactly 15 numbered buttons have been selected (but have not yet been played). Reset is enabled any time a numbered button has been selected, but is disabled when no numbered buttons have been selected.

~ztomasze Index : TA Details: ICS211: Assignment 1
Last Edited: 23 Sep 2003
©2002 by Z. Tomaszewski.