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Mobius strip

Assignment 4

The Assignment


You can get all the files you need here.

You should read this overview of the files and the assignment. This page also includes a FAQ section that I will update as I get questions.

This assignment is a lot like the SortedList assignment. You are implementing a couple interfaces to produce some general, resuable data structures. You then use these general data structures to power your applet.

When you submit your assignment, tell me which browser worked for you. By default, I will use appletviewer for Java 1.2.2. You can use this java version-checking applet to find out what Java Runtime Environment your current browser is using.


This assignment will be out of 10 points. You will get points for the following:

2.0 - Compiles
Your submitted program compiles and runs without error
1.0 - Complete submission
In your email, include a full link (http://...) to a working version of the applet on the web. Attach your source code (.java files) and the webpage to run it from (.html file). (You can zip them if you really want to.)
1.5 - Good documentation
See this note on documenting your code.
0.5 - Follows ICS coding standards
Use descriptive variable names, use internal capitalization for names, consistently indent and space code, etc.
1.5 - Stack
Correctly implements the provided Stack interface using Nodes.
1.5 - Queue
Correctly implements the provided Queue interface using Nodes.
2.0 - Applet interface
Includes at least the following capabilities:
  • adds an item to both Stack and Queue
  • removes top/front item from both Stack and Queue
  • current top/front item to Stack and Queue can be seen
  • stack and queue can be emptied to see the contents they contained.
  • You disable unusable buttons and report errors when they occur

~ztomasze Index : TA Details: ICS211: Assignment 1
Last Edited: 19 Oct 2003
©2002 by Z. Tomaszewski.