Assignment 6
The Assignment
- Email your report and code to ztomasze@hawaii.edu.
- You may submit a printed copy of your report in lab.
- Do not send me Microsoft Word documents! Send me a
cross-platform file format: plain text, HTML, or PDF.
You may want to change Nickles's code to generate large arrays of random
rather than having to enter numbers on the command line.
Out of 10 points:
- 2.0 - Code.
- Compiles. Runs. Prints the number of comparison's made.
- 1.0 - Report is in a cross-platform format.
- Either a printed hardcopy, plain text, HTML, or PDF. Report can also
be part of the output of your program or simply in the body of
your email, if you like. Hardcopy or plain text is preferred.
- 1.5 - Significant sizes.
- What size arrays did you test? At what size did the differences
become significant?
- 2.0 - Order
- What is the order of each of the two sorts?
- 1.5 - How do your significant sizes compare with order predictions?
- Does the number of comparisons made between progressively larger
array sizes match what would be expected based on the sort's order? For
example, an O(n) sort that makes 6 comparisons for an array of 3 elements
and 20 comparisons for an array of 10 elements would have behavior
matching that predicted by its order.
- 2.0 - Why compare the number of comparisons rather than execution
+2.0 - Recursive bubble sort (optional/extra)
- Make this a separate class. Your main method should run two sample
sorts (one of Strings and one of Integers), showing the data before and
after each sort.