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Assignment 2The Assignmenthttp://learnu.ics.hawaii.edu/~nickles/211_Spring_2005/labs/Lab02_Iterators.pdf[Handed out in class.] Submission
RecommendationsThough we are not implementing MyListIterator the same way the book does, you can still find most of the code for all but 2 of the methods in the book. Note that the book does not use JavaDoc comments to document code, as you need to for this class. Again, read the full API documentation for the interface you are implementing: ListIterator Note that the code in the book is using a list that starts indexing at 1. You are using a list that starts indexing at 0. Therefore, the code in the book will need to be changed somewhat. Most of the code and description given in the assignment comes from the book. Therefore, please make the following corrections to the handout:
Grading:Out of 10 points:
Here's a short grader program to help you find some of your bugs: ListIterGrader.java (Start thinking about how to write one of these for yourself; I won't always give you one.) SolutionZach's Solution. Uses DLList, which you can get from the A1 Solution. Again, this is just one way that this can be implemented. |
~ztomasze Index :
TA Details: ICS211:
Assignment 2 http://www2.hawaii.edu/~ztomasze |
Last Edited: 22 Feb 2005 ©2004 by Z. Tomaszewski. |