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Homework Submission and Grading PoliciesSubmissionUploading: You will usually submit your assignments by uploading your source code to Tamarin, the automated grader for this course. Tamarin requires that your filename have the following format: [your UH username] + [A##, where ## is the two-digit assignment number] + [.ext], where ext is the file extension required by the assignment--such as .c or .zip. If for some reason the entire Tamarin site is down or inaccessible AND it's less than 24 hours before the assignment is due, email your assignment to me instead (following the rules below for emailing) so that it is not late. I will then upload the file for you when things are working again. On the other hand, if you just get an error message while uploading, read the message. If it is complaining about something you can't fix, then email me the complete error message along with your assignment. Tamarin error codes in the 400s are (usually) due to things you can fix on your end--incorrect file names, mistyped passwords, etc. Emailing your code: Send the source code only (not the compiled executable). Attach the code (or zip) to the email. Optional added protections: send from your hawaii.edu account, also paste the code into the body of the email, and CC yourself to be sure the message goes through the system correctly. Late PolicyHomeworks are generally due by 8am on the date due (usually Wednesday or Friday). Late: You will receive a penalty of 10% of the assigment total each day (or portion thereof) that you are late. For example, if the assignment is worth 10 points, you'll lose one point if you are 1 minute late. 24 hours after the deadline, you'll lose a second point. And so on. (Tamarin will usually give you an unofficial grace period of a few minutes, but don't push it.) Resubmission: You may resubmit an uploaded homework until I grade that assignment. I will grade only your last submission for an assignment. It is also your last submission that determines any late penalties. Lab PointsVarious exercises will be assigned in lab. These are generally due before the start of the following lab. Unless otherwise noted for a particular exercise, there is no late period for lab points. One lab point can be spent to offset 1 day of late penalty on an assignment. (This happens automatically; you don't need to do anything to use a lab point this way.) At the end of the semseter, any unspent lab points that you earned will become extra credit points on your homework grade. However, you cannot earn more than 100% on the homework portion of your grade. QuestionsYou should do your best to debug your own code. However, if you're still stuck after half an hour of working on it, you can email me about it. Your email should include:
A relevant subject line is helpful too. Development Platform
The official C compiler for grading on this course will be You may use the IDE of your choice when writing your code. No CollaborationUnless stated otherwise, you are expected to write your own code for each assignment. See Examples of Cheating for more information. If you plagiarize code from the web or another student, you will receive an F for the course. If you collaborate too closely, you will be warned and forced to split the grade for that assignment. A second collaboration offense will result in an F for the course. You may work together on Lab Point exercises--but not on assignments. Lab AttendanceRegular lab attendance is expected, and I will assume that you have seen the material I present in lab. Attendance also earns you lab points/extra credit (see above). |
~ztomasze Index :
TA Details: ICS212: Grading Policies http://www2.hawaii.edu/~ztomasze |
Last Edited: 31 Jan 2012 ©2012 by Z. Tomaszewski. |