The following are details for the original files and .huff compressed versions. You will need to confirm that you decompressed the .huff files correctly. This should be fairly obvious simply by viewing the file contents. You should also check that your decompressed files have exactly the same number of bytes as the originals. You can get the size in bytes on Windows by right-clicking on the file and going to Properties. File Sizes (bytes) ------------------ 0 empty.txt 7 empty.txt.huff 14470 image.bmp 3209 image.bmp.huff 335 mission 267 mission.huff 5 short.txt 9 short.txt.huff 48929 sounds.mp3 49021 sounds.mp3.huff 143 triangles.txt 66 triangles.txt.huff 1 zorro.txt 7 zorro.txt.huff If you want to be certain that your decompressed file is the same as the orginal, you can use either an md5 or sha1 hash. These are unique fingerprints produced from each file's contents. They will let you confirm both that the .huff files downloaded correctly and that your decompressed file contents are identical to the original files. You only need to run either md5 or sha1. You may find versions of these programs online, but both are available on uhunix using the commands md5sum and sha1sum. For example, the command md5sum short.txt.huff will print: a493c5cc75b749b126c396a657b1f1e6 *short.txt.huff MD5 --- d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e *empty.txt a7d47aeb398519b302ed5430051ac2af *empty.txt.huff 6db05792b020689c2d763e6a16202fd8 *image.bmp e1c896d30341540b80952e21f161179f *image.bmp.huff 2fe98cbb8ad682846a4f1c205c04a98c *mission 99de85294b7044b4e988e4186cd592c8 *mission.huff e29e7758964b937d522a14d6e0015ed9 *short.txt a493c5cc75b749b126c396a657b1f1e6 *short.txt.huff 666afcb0fa0fa494ef70484ac14e3e13 *sounds.mp3 0b880afbab8997e84f79181011c69d20 *sounds.mp3.huff 9cde713f6febf4914e5eeb174a52e0da *triangles.txt eb7d332b92bbf28edcc4b8ceb6b5427a *triangles.txt.huff 21c2e59531c8710156d34a3c30ac81d5 *zorro.txt b869a84cd6857cd567b80d01c2ab738e *zorro.txt.huff SHA1 ---- da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 *empty.txt cb02595d36caf87462a5031cd83eb8cb0f0dc97f *empty.txt.huff 671d6f55543751271e1064b802bf1397873b77bf *image.bmp 5e3a97f276f20c2778bfa49477d476b316bd6b64 *image.bmp.huff 28c19accc82cfc72dbfa7d3375b102cbbfed057d *mission ae8b1d6ff3e99352482a0295d42f51b39b3feec6 *mission.huff fa3c1d3cc678f8a70f591ce79fa11c2115488773 *short.txt 5155b8efd47fbef258906a132afbd104c90c4084 *short.txt.huff b136198c4266fa1ccfd69ace00cf11100ecda8a8 *sounds.mp3 53178213634453936dee1b3a32af1bf6b51fd107 *sounds.mp3.huff bbfbff27949dba93a71003ca711b10fe1660ac7d *triangles.txt 6c35a8b7ca5472488b15741f3cf5f7b4fb5f8f2c *triangles.txt.huff 909f99a779adb66a76fc53ab56c7dd1caf35d0fd *zorro.txt 18a4331b1ce4756f900b5fb18065a590d3c5fd70 *zorro.txt.huff