Write a program that prints a concise digest of a simple log file.
Text: 7.1 - 7.2
Concepts: Maps, sets.
Your program should take the name of a log file to process as a command line argument. If no argument is given, you should print an error/usage message.
The log file should have one entry per line where each entry consists of two tokens separated by whitespace (such as tabs or spaces). These two tokens will be described here as the source and the destination. For example, in a simple web server log, the "source" might be the IP address of a client that requested a resource and the "destination" would be the local URL of the requested resource.
It is an error if a log file line contains only one token. If a line has more than 2 tokens, the first two tokens should be treated as source and destination and the rest of the line ignored.
Your program should first print a list of all unique sources, one per line. Each source should be followed by the total number of destinations related to that source, then the number of unique destinations, and finally the full list of all destinations for that source. (See sample output below.)
This sources section should be followed by another section, separated by a blank line, in which the destination and sources roles are reversed. That is, in the second section, you should print all unique destinations, the total number of sources and the number of unique sources related to that destination, and finally the list of all source related to that destination.
C:\Files\webwork\UH\teaching\ics211\grading\A12> java ZtomaszeA12 Error: No filename given. Usage: java ZtomaszeA12 filename Prints details of a log file in which each line contains two tokens: a source and destination. C:\Files\webwork\UH\teaching\ics211\grading\A12> java ZtomaszeA12 access.log Could not read from log file: access.log (The system cannot find the file specif ied) C:\Files\webwork\UH\teaching\ics211\grading\A12> java ZtomaszeA12 access_log.txt By SOURCE: 3 / 1 [H.html, H.html, H.html] 2 / 1 [D.html, D.html] 2 / 1 [D.html, D.html] 3 / 2 [D.html, D.html, H.html] 4 / 3 [C.html, F.html, C.html, G.html] 2 / 2 [H.html, A.html] 1 / 1 [G.html] 2 / 2 [D.html, A.html] 5 / 3 [C.html, H.html, B.html, B.html, B.html] 2 / 1 [F.html, F.html] 2 / 2 [G.html, C.html] By DESTINATION: D.html 7 / 4 [,,, 87.174.25 2.7,,,] B.html 3 / 1 [,,] G.html 3 / 3 [,,] F.html 3 / 2 [,,] A.html 2 / 2 [,] C.html 4 / 3 [,,, 176.34.135. 152] H.html 6 / 4 [,,, 16.211.121. 86,,] C:\Files\webwork\UH\teaching\ics211\grading\A12> java ZtomaszeA12 invalid.txt Log file is malformed: A line exists with fewer than 2 tokens.
I wrapped the output to 80 chars, as it would appear in a standard command prompt or terminal window. If I resized the window or redirected the output to a file, the line given for D.html (for example) would be really long and not wrap.
In your output, the details of what you put between each "field" in a line is up to you. For example, I put a tab between the source and the first count, a '/' between the total and unique count, and a tab between the last count and the list of destinations. I just used the default toSting() behavior of the destination list. The section titles I used are also optional.
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file to Tamarin. (If you want to write any extra helper classes, you can remove the public from them and paste them at the end of your UsernameA12.java
Remember to follow the course coding standards on all assignments.
Instead, I recommend you read in one line at a time with nextLine() and then split the line into tokens. One way to do that is to use a second Scanner, since a Scanner can read from a String as well as from a file:
String line = "one two three four"; Scanner scan = new Scanner(line); String token1 = scan.next(); // "one" String token2 = scan.next(); // "two"You may have to use hasNext() to detect if there really is another token left, though, or else be prepared to catch a NoSuchElementException.
An simpler alterative is to use the split method in the String class. This method takes a regular expression, which you can read more about elsewhere. (See this page for Java-specific details, though it's not a very good introduction to regular expressions in general.) The one bit you need to know for this assignment is that, in Java, "\\s" will match any single whitespace character, and so "\\s+" will match 1 or more whitespace characters.