02a: Software Engineering
ICS211, Fall 2012
Dr. Zach
(switch view)
How's things?
- Quizzes 01A&B should be done by now. (1B answers? Can revisit?)
- Tamarin status
- A01, part 1: Tamarin account + anon ID to Anthony
- A02 due Wednesday night
- Today: Last day to drop without W.
Today: How to write code
- Best practices developed over 60 years of software development
- (We'll revisit the history and some of the other lessons later)
- (slides are a bit wordy)
Software Development Steps
- Requirements
- What's the problem to solve?
- Design
- How to solve the problem? Break the problem down.
- Implementation (construction, +integration)
- Testing (2 levels)
- Verification: Does the code match the design?
- ("Did we build it right?"; vs Design; usual sense of "debugging")
- Validation: Does the code actually solve the original problem?
- ("Did we build the right thing?"; vs Requirements)
- (deployment / installation / release)
- Maintenance
Waterfall model (1/2)

- Do the steps in order (no backtracking)
- A bit of a straw-man model
Waterfall model (2/2)
- Advantages:
- Big Design Up Front / "measure twice, cut one"
- Very efficient with stable requirements
- Tends to be well-documented and understood; works well for large teams
- Basically: Think-before-you-write makes for better code.
- Disadvantages:
- Requirements are often not stable, sometimes not even clear
- Design problems sometimes not discovered until implementation (requiring redesign)
- Basically: Not flexible.
Spiral Model

- Modified waterfall
- Good for large projects (takes months)
- Start with requirements and design
- Then iterate with small prototype
- Test the prototype
- Revisit design
- (Maybe repeat)
- Then move on to actual implementation
Iterative + Incremental Development (class of models)
- vs waterfall-like models
- Anything more than a few lines is too big to do it right in one big push!
- (but don't want to prototype either)
- General design first
- Then fill in details incrementally for each part:
- specific design for that part, write code, test and verify part
- revisit general design and pick next part
- May need to refactor code if initial design was bad
Agile Programming
- Taking iterative + incremental to the extreme
- Many Agile flavors: Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, etc.
- Focus on people (programmers and customers, less on management and process)
- Get something working fast and then expand it
- Basically: iterate really fast (days or weeks, not months or years)
- Common features
- Pair programming, small teams, (F2F stand-up meetings)
- Write unit tests first
- customer representative always on-hand
- code always works, adding a single feature at a time (incremental)
Which model is best?
- Depends on:
- project (cost, size, risk, fault tolerance)
- team size
- programmers (experience, design and testing skills)
- team culture (coherence vs individuality)
- etc.
- But all follow the same steps in some way!
- varies on how you iterate/increment
- varies on how you execute each step (eq, implementing alone or in a pair, coders do their own testing vs a separate testing team, write tests before code or after, finalize design before you start or revisit design throughout project)
Software Development Steps (again)
- Requirements
- Design
- Implementation
- Testing
- (release)
- Maintenance
Focus is usually on the first 4, but code spends most of its lifetime in Maintenance phase
Exercise: Design for A02
- Problem: Draw a large X of a user-specified size.
In this class (1/2)
- Don't just start coding!
- Requirements: what do you need to do?
- Not much of an issue here: read the assignment.
- Design:
- Break problem down into smaller and smaller pieces until you know how to implement each one.
- Hardest (and most creative) part of programming
- Do this before you start (even if it only takes 1 minute on an envelope, don't skip it!)
In this class (2/2)
- Implement + Test (verification):
- Write one piece at a time (a few lines of code each)
- Compile, run, and test after each iteration.
- Your code should always be working. (If it stops working, 90% chance you broke it in the last 5 minutes.)
- Don't flail away at it.
- When done: Validation. (Did you meet the requirements?)
- "Ship it!" (Release / submit)
- (Note: no Maintenance step for us...)
Java Review
What is a class?
- Program (if it contains a main method)
- Collection of (static) methods
- Template for creating instances (objects)
Important terms
- Method definition
- Signature: name + parameter list
- Overloading: more than one method in class with same name (but different param lists)
- Method call
Method calls
- Depends on definition. Method call parts:
class-or-object.method-name(parameters, ...)
- Example method calls:
Planet mars = new Planet(???);
double result = Planet.getDensity(1000.5, 200);
Planet.main(new String[0]);
Examples from API
- Math class: random, pow, min, rint.
- String class: charAt, substring, valueOf
Shortcuts and Gotchas
- can leave off class-or-object part if calling another method in the same class
- can call static method on instance (though bad form)
In and out of a method
- Input: parameters. Pass by value.
- Output: return value
- Possible side-effects (such as on object's state)
- (Style: Avoid printing to the screen when possible.)
- This is info you should put in a /** javadoc */ comment before method def.
Example: pass-by-value
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a = 3;
int b = 5;
swap(a, b);
System.out.println("a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
public static void swap(int left, int right) {
int temp = left;
left = right;
right = temp;
- parameters: args (in main); left, right (in swap)
- local variables: a, b (in main); temp (in swap)
Example: Still pass-by-value
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a = 3;
int b = 5;
swap(a, b);
System.out.println("a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
public static void swap(int a, int b) {
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
Parameters and local variables?
Example: Return values
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String hello = "hello";
hello = toTitleCase(hello); //what if no assignment here?
public static String toTitleCase(String str) {
if (str.length() > 0) { //XXX: doesn't support nulls
return Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(0)) + str.substring(1);
}else {
return "";
BTW: Strings are immutable: any method you call on a String that would change the String returns a changed copy instead.
Example: Nested method calls
String hello = "Hello";
Don't do this too much though (hard to read/understand). Alternative:
String hello = "Hello";
int cutFrom = hello.lastIndexOf('l');
String end = hello.substring(cutFrom);
For next time...
- A02
- Only one 5-point quiz this week given Wed.