Final Results
ICS211, Fall 2012
Dr. Zach
(switch view)
Final Exam Results
- (compared to Exam 3)
- 27 people took the final
- average = 73.4% (), median = 76.4%
- Score breakdown:
- 2 - Over 100% (capped at 100)
- 2 - 90s (200+)
- 8 - 80s (180+)
- 4 - 70s (160+)
- 2 - 60s (135+)
- 6 - 50s (112+)
- 3 - 40s- (90+)
Comments on Final
- A couple typos in solutions, now fixed (in Laulima)
- First page: people did well overall
- Disconcerting: more people remembered releasing and maintaining steps over the requirements and designing steps. :(
- Design your code before you write it rather than trying to fix it afterwards!
- Second page: Not bad
- A little sad how few people could correctly sort a List at this point in the class. :(
- A handful of people tried to design their own sort using a single for loop
- This is impossible to achieve for a comparison-based sort, which has a minimum of O(n lg n) performance
- Remember:
- Fifth page (#7-14)
- #13: All five of the methods in Node are inherited by DLNode (tho toString() is then overridden)
- Constructors and private variables are not inherited, though
- The subclass has access to the superclass's constructors, but does not inherit them.
- private really is private: not even subclasses get access to that stuff
- Sixth page: adding an element to a node-based sorted list
- This was basically from Exam 2, but people were still pretty shaky on this.
- Seventh page
- People used some weird (incorrect) BST adding algorithms
- hashing was rather a weak spot
- The (n + 2) % 7 math proved to be rather challenging--a lot of mistakes there.
- I was able to give more partial credit if I could tell that your incorrect results were just due to bad math rather than a misunderstanding of the concept
- Last page
- #20: hashCode. You need override hashCode whenever you implement equals.
- Only 8 people got this right.
- Yes, compareTo is very helpful too.
- #21
- Most people got that the TreeMap gives you only the unique characters found in the string, in the order they first appear
- And most people realized that the values in that map were the counts of each of those characters.
- So 'a' occurs 3 times, 'p' occurs 2 times, and so on
- But only one person realized that when you dump those values into a HashSet, you print only the unique values (counts): [1, 2, 3]
- #22: Matrices were favored over lists, but most people did okay with this one.
Course Grades
- Course average: 74%
- Median grade: B (nearly B-)
- Grade distribution (not including Ws)
A+: 11 | A: 4 | A-: 2
B+: 1 | B: 9 | B-: 3
C+: 1 | C: 2 | C-: 2
D+: 0 | D: 3 | D-: 1
| F: 12 |
- Have a good break
- Good luck in your continuing ICS journey...