13a: Heaps

ICS211, Spring 2013
Dr. Zach

(switch view)


Trees in an array


Heap: Adding new element

Implementation so far

/** A min-heap. */
class Heap<E extends Comparable<E>> {

  //traditionally use E[] and size variable, but...
  private ArrayList<E> array = new ArrayList<E>();

  /** Constructs an empty heap. */
  public Heap() {

  public void add(E item) {
    array.add(item);  //add to end

   * Adjusts position of last element as necessary.
   * Assumes the rest of the array is already a valid heap.
  private void heapifyUp(ArrayList<E> array) {
    int i = array.size() - 1;  //last element
    int parent = (i - 1) / 2;
    while (i > 0 && array.get(i).compareTo(array.get(parent)) < 0) {
      //item is smaller than parent so needs to move up
      Collections.swap(array, i, parent);
      i = parent;
      parent = (i - 1) / 2;

Heap: Remove

Remove Implementation

  public E remove() {
    if (array.size() == 0) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Heap is empty.");
    E root = array.get(0);
    array.set(0, array.remove(array.size() - 1));
    return root;

   * Adjust position of first element as necessary.
   * Assumes that the rest of array is already heapified.
   * That is, elements at index 1 and 2 are roots of valid heaps.
  private void heapifyDown(ArrayList<E> array) {
    int i = 0;
    while (i < array.size()) {  //or while(true)
      int indexOfMin = i;
      int left = 2 * i + 1;
      int right = 2 * i + 2;
      if (left < array.size() &&
          array.get(left).compareTo(array.get(indexOfMin)) < 0) {
        indexOfMin = left;
      if (right < array.size() &&
          array.get(right).compareTo(array.get(indexOfMin)) < 0) {
        indexOfMin = right;
      if (i == indexOfMin) {
      }else {
        Collections.swap(array, i, indexOfMin);
        i = indexOfMin;

Other methods

For more complex heap implementations:


Heap: Data structure or ADT?


PriorityQueue performance


In Java Collections:

Heaps as process


public static <E extends Comparable<E>> void heapSort(E[] array) {
  //heapify from bottom up, skipping all leaves, which are already heaps of size 1
  for (int i = array.length / 2; i >= 0; i--) {
    heapify(array, i, array.length);

  // grab max element from heap and swap to end of array
  for (int i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    //swap root to end of array
    E temp = array[0];
    array[0] = array[i];
    array[i] = temp;

    heapify(array, 0, i);

 * Produces a max-heap rooted at the given root index and containing a number
 * total elements equal to length.  Assumes that the children at
 * (2 * root + 1) and (2 * root + 2) are the roots of valid heaps.
private static <E extends Comparable<E>> void heapify(E[] array, int root, int length) {
  //basically heapifyDown method for an array
  int i = root;
  while (true) {
    int indexOfMax = i;
    int left = 2 * i + 1;
    int right = 2 * i + 2;
    if (left < length &&
      array[left].compareTo(array[indexOfMax]) > 0) {
      indexOfMax = left;
    if (right < length &&
      array[right].compareTo(array[indexOfMax]) > 0) {
      indexOfMax = right;
    if (i == indexOfMax) {
    }else {
      E temp = array[i];
      array[i] = array[indexOfMax];
      array[indexOfMax] = temp;
      i = indexOfMax;

Heapsort Performance (1/2)

Heapsort Performance (2/2)

A08 Conclusions


Job Interview Questions

For next time...