Argax Project

Node Statuses Defined:

-- Very rough; ideas only.
-- Rough draft only; needs work (or at least proofreading).
-- Content, citations, diagrams, and spell-checking done.

Numbered entries in this outline that end in a period refer to nodes of COMPLETE status.

Thesis Outline

This draft has been superceded by the official PDF version.
(The content is still basically the same, though.)

  1. Abstract
  1. Introduction
  2. Interactive Fiction
    1. History
    2. Essence of IF
      1. Related Forms
    3. Current IF Platforms
      1. Inform
      2. TADS
    4. Practical Applications of IF
      1. IF in Interactive Drama Research
  3. Affordances
    1. Limitations of IF's Command Line Interface
    2. Interface and Narrative Affordances
    3. Previous Research Regarding IF Affordances
    4. Command Line Augmentations in IF
  4. Skald
    1. Considered Designs
    2. Paper Prototype
    3. Refined Design
    4. Implementation
    5. Potential Consequences
  5. Evaluation
    1. Claims to be Tested
    2. Experimental Setup
      1. The Games
  6. Results
    1. Participation Results
    2. Participant Backgrounds
    3. Game Experiences
      1. Object Affordances
      2. Action Affordances
      3. Command Construction
      4. World-Level Agency
      5. Story-Level Objectives
      6. Interactive Story Experience
      7. Summary Experience
      8. Open-ended Responses
    4. User Interface Comparison
    5. Effect of Participant Backgrounds
      1. Command Line Experience
      2. Interactive Fiction Experience
  7. Discussion
  8. Conclusion
    1. Future Work