Node Statuses Defined:
-- Very rough; ideas only.
-- Rough draft only; needs work.
-- Content, sentences, and diagrams are complete.
-- Spell-checked, validated, all ToDos done, ready for publication.
Numbered entries in this outline that end in a period refer to nodes of COMPLETE or higher status.
Dissertation Outline
- Introduction
Quick intro to IN; a definition; relation to narrative, games, digital media; ID, a subset of IN. Goals of this document.
- Theory: A Poetics of Interactive Narrative
Narrative (narratologists) vs. Interaction (ludologists) paradox/strain. Know it's some new beast--more than either--but what kind? Ideas/flavor: Murray, Laurel (satori), etc. Start with narrative (with an eye to interaction).
- The Substance of Narrative
- Evolution of the Current Poetics.
- Aristotle.
- Smiley.
- Laurel.
- Mateas.
- Problems within the Current Poetics.
- A Reconstructed Poetics.
- Medium.
- Object.
- Manner.
- Placement of User Interaction.
- Application to System Architectures
- Conclusion: A New Poetics of Interactive Narrative
- The Structure of Action
- Aristotle
- Freytag
- Freytag's Triangle
- Chatman
- Propp and Story Morphology
- Conclusion
- User Response
Satisfaction, and all that other stuff. (Maybe not any answers, but at least point out the questions.)
- Traditional INs: Practical Considerations
- Improv rules (reincorporation, etc.)
- Gamebooks
- GMing/table-top RPGs (fudging rules for story, etc.)
- Producing the Action: Computer-based Approaches to ID
- Intro
Focus on ID. Other computer-based IN: story generation, hypertext stories.
Modeling author, character, or story.
- Simple Story Systems
- Linear
- False Branching
- Branching
- Open
- Supportive
- Combinations
- Examples
- Conclusion
- Rule-based
- Emergent: Bottom-up
Modeling characters. Complex world simulations.
- Directed: Top-down
- Assembled scenes
- Mateas
- Crawford
- (Grasbron + Braun, others)
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Fairclough
- Peinado
- Planning
- Young
- Commonalities: story atoms, drama manager, rules/story form
- Design
- Story World
- Verbs and Actions
- Encounters
- Threads?
- The Game: Wharf
Scenes. Characters. Location
- Experiment
- Claims about new system [Still evolving]
- As described as Features?
- Setup [Still evolving]
- Running with no DM
- Running with single storyline DM
- Running with full DM
- Pilot Study
- Results
- Conclusion
Contributions, etc.