Node Statuses Defined:
-- Very rough; ideas only.
-- Rough draft only; needs work (or at least proofreading).
-- Content, citations, diagrams, and spell-checking done.
Numbered entries in this outline that end in a period refer to nodes of COMPLETE status.
Dissertation Outline
- Abstract
- Introduction: Interactive Narrative
- Interactive Narrative Domains and Examples.
- Non-digital Examples.
- Digital Examples.
- Early Visions
- Interactive Drama
- Motivations.
- Theory: A Poetics of Interactive Narrative
- The Structure of Narrative.
- Evolution of the Current Poetics.
- Aristotle.
- Smiley.
- Laurel.
- Mateas.
- Problems within the Current Poetics.
- A Reconstructed Poetics.
- Medium.
- Object.
- Manner.
- Placement of User Interaction.
- Application to System Architectures.
- Parallels to Traditional Narratology.
- Conclusion: A New Poetics of Interactive Narrative.
- The Structure of Action.
- Aristotle.
- Freytag.
- Propp and Story Morphology.
- Chatman.
- Conclusion.
- Conclusion.
- Producing the Action: Previous Approaches to Interactive Drama
- Proposed Architecture: Marlinspike.
- Marlinspike Design.
- Story World: Characters and Objects.
- World-level Events: Verbs and Deeds.
- Story-Level Events: Actions.
- Story-Level Events: Scenes.
- Story Context: Triggers.
- Narrative Unity: Threads.
- Marlinspike Foundations
- Theoretical Foundations.
- Previous Work.
- Conclusion.
- Prototype Game: Demeter.
- Implementation: Lessons from the Trenches
- Inform as a Game Engine
- Drama Manager vs the World
- Characters
- Scenes
- Reincorporation as Scene Selection Criterion
- Resulting Stories
- The Authoring Experience
- Conclusion
- Evaluation
- Claims to be Tested
- Narrative
- Interactivity
- User Experience
- Hypotheses
- Experimental Setup
- Reincorporation
- Experimental Process
- Pilot Study
- Evaluation Results
- Recruitment
- Participant Backgrounds
- Game Data
- Participant Responses
- Open-ended Responses
- Discussion
- Conclusions.
- Contributions
- Future Work