On this page:
Course work for my Master's Degree in Library and Information Science:
[Fall 2000]
[Spring 2001]
[Summer 2001]
[Fall 2001]
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Portfolio of MLIS Work
[Fall 2000] [Spring 2001]
[Summer 2001] [Fall 2001]
LIS 601: Introduction to Reference & Information Services
LIS 605: Basic Cataloging and Classification
- [tests only; no papers written]
LIS 650: Management of Libraries & Information Centers
LIS 679: Library Systems Operation & Interpretation
ICS 691: Personalization in Information Delivery
LIS 610: Introduction to Library and Information Studies
LIS 670: Introduction to Information Storage & Retrieval
LIS 677: Human Dimension in Information Systems
LIS 699: Java and Its Usefulness in Libraries
LIS 693: Intellectual Freedom
LIS 685: Traditional Literature & Oral Narration
LIS 699-1: Building Better Web Interfaces -- JavaScript, DHTML, and Usability
LIS 699-2: Information Architecture
ICS 211: Introduction to Computer Science II
These pages are mostly code samples, test plans, and screen dumps. They are not very conducive to casual reading. What is shown here is the coding I did; often there are related ZIP files that contain all the supporting classes and interfaces provided by the instructor.
ICS 691-3: Advanced Data Management [An online course]
"So what do you do?"
I take tangled copper wire
and the pressed ghosts of trees
And I make puppets
of Apollo, raindrops,
and oft-told fantasies...
And then I tie their strings
around your fingertips.